
International Student Fees


Course Award Fee (£)
Postgraduate Standard Non-laboratory   11,230
Postgraduate Standard Laboratory   13,400
Non-standard fees
Actuarial Science PDip 11,650
Actuarial Science MPhil,PhD,MSc 11,230
Anthropology of Ethnicity Nationalism and Identity MA 11,230
Applied Actuarial Science MSc 13,950
Applied Actuarial Science International MSc 12,100
Agricultural Economics MSc TBA
Applied Environmental Economics MSc TBA
Architecture MPhil,Phd 13,400
Architecture and Cities MA 13,400
Architectural Visualisation MA 13,400
Biomedical Imaging MSc 14,115
Computer Animation MSc 13,400
Computing MSc Placement MSc TBA
Computing International Masters MSc 13,400
Conservation Biology MSc 13,400
Conservation and Tourism MSc 13,400
Criminology MA 11,745
Digital Visual Effects MSc 13,400
Drama, by Practice as Research MA,MPhil,PhD 11,230
Economics Conversion (Year 1) MSc 11,230
Economics Conversion (Year 2) MSc 12,060
Economics Suite of Programmes MSc 12,060
Environmental Anthropology (Research) MA 11,230
Environmental Anthropology (Taught) MA 11,230
Environmental Anthropology MSc 13,400
Film Studies by Practice as Research (January Entry) MA 11,230
Finance MSc 13,200
Finance Investment and Risk MSc 13,195
Financial Services MSc 13,200
Fine Art MA 11,230
Forensic Psychology (Taught) MSc 11,230
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (Campus Based) PCert 5,515
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (Campus Based) PDip 11,230
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (Campus Based) MA


International Accounting and Finance MSc 13,200
International Development MSc 11,230
Management suite of programmes (KBS) MSc 13,200
Management Science Suite MSc 11,350
Master of Business Administration (Athens) MBA TBA
Master of Business Administration MBA 17,800
Medical Imaging PhD 11,695
Mental Health Studies PDip/MSc 11,230
Migration, Mental Health and Social Care MA 11,230
Mobile Applications MSc TBA
Multi Media Journalism (with dissertation) MA 10,350
Politics and International Relations Suite of Programmes PDip (120 Credits) 7,490
Politics and International Relations Suite of Programmes (1 Year Duration) MA (180 Credits) 11,230
Politics and International Relations Suite of Programmes Double Award (2 Year Duration in Canterbury) MA (240 Credits) 7,490
Politics and International Relations Suite of Programmes (International Double Award)
Year 1
MA 7,490
Politics and International Relations Suite of Programmes (International Double Award)
Year 2
MA Fees payable to Partner Institute
Pre-sessional English course - six weeks with accommodation 2,015
Pre-sessional English course - six weeks without accommodation 1,415
Pre-sessional English course - 12 weeks with accommodation 4,035
Pre-sessional English course - 12 weeks without accommodation 2,835
Pre-sessional English course - 19 weeks without accommodation 3,880
Professional Practice MSc 11,230
Psychotherapy Studies (Taught) MSc 11,935
Psychotherapy Studies (Taught) PDip 7,780
Psychotherapy Studies (Research) DCS 10,850
Reproductive Medicine: Science and Ethics MA/MSc 13,405
Social Anthropology MA/MSc 11,230
Supportive and Palliative Care 2010 Intake PCert,PDip,MSc 11,935
Surgical Practice PCert,PDip,MSc 11,935
Value Chain Management MSc 13,200
Visual Anthropology MA 11,600


Course Award Fee (£)
Postgraduate Standard Non-laboratory   5,615
Postgraduate Standard Laboratory   6,700
Non-standard fees
Clinical Supervision (2010 Intake) PDip 4,080
Clinical Supervision (2010 Intake) MSc 6,180
Criminology MA 5,875
Drama, by Practice as Research MA,MPhil,PhD 5,615
Environmental Anthropology (Taught) MA 5,615
Environmental Anthropology MSc 6,700
Ethnobotany MSc 6,700
Film Studies by Practice as Research (January Entry) MA 5,615
Forensic Psychology (Taught) MSc 5,615
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (Campus Based) PCert 2,660
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (Campus Based) PDip 5,615
Mental Health Studies PDip/MSc 5,615
Migration, Mental Health and Social Care MA 6,130
Professional Practice MSc 5,615
Psychotherapy Studies (Taught) MCS 5,425
Psychotherapy Studies (Taught) MSc 5,970
Psychotherapy Studies (Taught) PDip 3,890
Psychotherapy Studies (Research) DCS 5,425
Psychotherapy Studies (Taught) DCS 5,425
Social Anthropology MA/MSc 5,615
Supportive and Palliative Care (per module) Pre 2010 students PCert/PDip/MSc 675
Supportive and Palliative Care 2010 Intake (4 modules per Year) PCert,PDip,MSc 5,970
Supportive and Palliative Care 2010 Intake (3 modules per Year) PCert,PDip,MSc 4,925
Supportive and Palliative Care 2010 Intake (2 modules per Year) PCert,PDip,MSc 3,585
Surgical Practice PCert,PDip,MSc 5,970
Visual Anthropology MA 5,800

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[英国肯特大学最新学费信息] 文章生成时间为:2011-09-10 23:56:15
肯特大学(University of Kent )
  • 院校名称:肯特大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1965年
  • 世界排名:368 世界排名:54
  • 学生人数:17000人
  • 院校地址:The University of Kent The Registry, Canterbury Kent, CT2 7NZ
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/kent/
  • 成立于1965年的英国肯特大学(University of Kent)有着“英国的欧洲大学”(The UK‘s European University)的美名。肯特大学在许多方面均与欧洲密切接轨,除了在英国...…[详细介绍]

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